Nine singns you're eating too mixh sugar most people would agreet that sweet mouth watering sugar makes anything you put it on Tastes way batter your toast a little bland sprinkle on some sugar coffe too w'll fix that up but what might seem like innocent please can actually cause a lot of serious health issues when we put too much of the stuff in our body luckily our system gives us crystal clear Signs when we've crossed that line so let's break it down
1. Feeling Bloated
YOUR SYSTEM win the number one feeling bloated bloating and painful Gas along with digestive discomfort can be caused by different foods and those hight in sugar are among them that's because bloating is directly connected in what you eat and how your body can digest it if sugar isn't absorbed into the small intestine and not all of it will if there's too much it'll enter the large intestine where usually acts like a Gas producing bacteria too much sugar can easily wreak havoc on your gut so try To Avoid artificial sweeteners diet Coke and Sugary snacks there are plenty of other foods that'll make you feel way better and that's.
the most important okay now that we've gone through all the possible symptoms of sugar overdosing that begs the question exactly how much ugar is too much according to the World health Organisation the recommended Dose of sugar should be less than 10% of your daily energy intake this about tablespoon of sugar and remember it's always better to get this daily Amount from natural products like fruits nuts or whole grain cereals when you eat health you feel health so make the right food choices for yourself and you'll feel amazing every Single Day what about you do You consume a lot of sugar if not what helped you get it up tell us in the comment section below.
well-balanced diet after some time you'll see a difference number two frequent Colds And Flu eating or drinking too much sugar stops the white blood cells of the immune System from attacking foreign bodies when you get sick you see the vitamin C that your body needs to fight illnesses is very similar in its chemical structure to glucose so Instead of looking for and working with vitamin C your immune system Triest to use glucose which doesn't help much since itit has Zero power against bacteria and viruses therefore Instead of fighting off a sickness your Immune system Suffers from it to keep your Immune system functioning the way it Shoul cut down on sugar when you're at risk of getting a cold or the Flu and more nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C and E As Well as beta-carotene and zink this will help your system win the battle..
number three a High sugar tolerance when you eat A lot of Sugary foods your Taste buds get used to the same Level of sweetness over time and might not respond to it like they used to Excess sugar dulls your palate so sweet fruits and berries don't Taste as sweet to you as they should and that's a Real shame because there's nothing batter that the true Taste of a Juice Apple a delicious fruit salad so if naturally sweet foods just don't Really cut it you need super-sweet, Junk Food in order to.satisfy your taste buds, try cutting down on artificial. sugary additives, and switch to a well-balanced Diet After some time you'll, see a difference.
number four toothpick l sweet foods ain't arguably promote sweet foods ain't arguably promote the formation of cavities and tooth decay but it's not the sugar alone that makes her teeth rot, it's the debris from the foods left in your teeth after you eat if not brushed, away properly food debris causes. The appearance of Plaque, on your teeth which erodes the tooth which, erodes the tooths Hard enamel, surface Resulting in tiny holes, different Sugary foods like candy. Kids cereal or breath mints can get. Stuck in Hard-to-reach spots, between your teeth speeding up the process of decay always make sure, to Brush and floss your teeth properly, use an antibacterial. Mouthwash and visit, your dentist, regularly.
Number five gain another hard to ignore consequence, of eating too much sugar is is weight gain, it's never a pleasant surprise to find, that your Jeans feel a lot tighter around the. Weist is it and, even that chocolate cake you ate a Week ago, can backfire, in such a nasty way it doesn't even, necessarily, mean that you're just eating a LITte too much sugar it can be a sign that you're seriously, overdosing on it remember that a high Level of sugar increases, the production of Insulin which stores excess fat around your belly rather than, some other place eXcess fat Around your belly rather than some other place again, sugar should become your worst enemy just know, your limits and control yourself.
Number six constant skin breakouts now here's a sign your body sends that's impossible to ignore because it'll be right on your face we we mentioned earlier that too much glucose in the blood can lead inflammation Well.acne is a type of inflammation of the skin this welle acne is a type inflammation of the skin this Insulin boost from your Pancreas Can increase the activity of your skin's oil of glands and voila your skin's Oil Glands and voila meet your new pimple so if your unruly, skin bothering you and no acne treatment. Out there seems, to help try changing your eating habits it doesn't mean that you should, cut sugar from your life completely but you might want to consume fewer Foods,that Contain added sugar when you see the change you won't want to go back, to the sweet stuff ever again.
Number seven energy highs and lows doesn't get the wrong idea or anything sugar in the right amount is food for you because glucose, is what supplies your body with energy but any deviation from proper levels can lead to energy yo-yoing throughout the day when you eat sweet stuff the pancreas Releases Insulin to Help bring glucose to the cells giving you a Rush of energy once the cycle ends though your energy levels drop because your body wants more sugar and this can start a never-Ending cycle of overeating, sugar in order to stay energized if yoyou don't want to end up in that doesn't reach for the. Sugary stuff and instead go for lean proteins, and healthy Fats healthy foods like these will give you the Real energy your body needs without causing unpleasant energy, spikes and Crashes.
Number eigt craving sweet foods you might not know this abut our bodies develop a sort of dependency on sugar and we get more and more addicted the more sugar we consume that's because eating sweet Sugary foods releases. Dopamine which is the chemical that control the brain's reward and pleasure Centers, simply put our brains see sugar as a reward or, a treat and the more sugar you eat the more your body craves. IT SO Next Thing you know you're in this vicious, addictive cycle plus food high in sugar won't make you feel full, because it doesn't contain any useful nutrients which is why you Often feel hungry even if you just ate a big delicious Sugary Muffin like half an hour ago so, whenever you want something sugar you eat an Apple a pear or any, other fruit with natural Sugary these alternatives are both Health effective, at stopping those sugar Cravings.
Number nine muscle and pain have you been skipping out on regular walks gardening, or exercise lately. Because you're in pain well this pain could be a warning from your body that you're Consuming, too much sugar you see large amounts, of sugar in your diet cause your cells to secrete inflammatory, messengers into your bloodstream. In order to break down all that excess Sugary glucose, basically all these complicated biochemical processes that come from Consuming too much sugar result, in muscle aches and pains joint stiffness and swelling not to mention your could end up with Arthritis cataracts heart disease or memory, or even wrinkles if you're experiencing anything like this go, see you doctor immediately if it's not related to your diet Living in constant pain is never okay.